Past Performances & Events

  • Synergia Northwest 2014
    Synergia Northwest 2014
    On Saturday, August 23, 2014, The Pacific Northwest marked the historic 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ 1964 Seattle performance in a big way. The milestone was celebrated at the Seattle Center in McCaw Hall, 50 years after the Fab Four...
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  • Synergia Northwest 2013
    Synergia Northwest 2013
    Synergia Northwest 2013, The Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA ...
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  • Synergia Northwest 2012
    Synergia Northwest 2012
    Synergia Northwest 2012, The ParamountTheatre, Seattle, WA 5-12-2012...
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  • Synergia Northwest 2011
    Synergia Northwest 2011
    As the house lights went down in Seattle's Moore Theatre and the orchestra hit the customary, hall filling concert A, a familiar energy surfaced once again as Dr. Nikolas Caoile led the 50 piece Synergia Orchestra through the opening...
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